How to Find a HD Lipo Doctor

To find a HD Lipo doctor requires knowledge of what HD means. HD lipo  is an acronym for High Definition Liposuction which describes advanced techniques used to attain superior body contouring results when compared to traditional liposuction. What makes HD lipo unique are four fundamental prerequisites. To find a HD Lipo doctor requires that you identify these objectives in their approach to body contouring. These body contouring goals include:

  1. 360 Lipo or circumferential body contouring describes the ability to sculpt your body as if it is a glorified statue. Following HD lipo you should appear aesthetically pleasing from all viewed angles.
  2. Ensuring that all tissue plane concerns are addressed. This means that your fat removal must be weighed against skin redundancy that may appear especially following comprehensive fat removal. Patients who demonstrate skin redundancy preoperatively are more vulnerable to skin excess following fat removal. These patients require supplemental maneuvers such as the use of Renuvion J plasma or Attiva radiofrequency treatments.  For patients with extensive skin redundancy, skin excision surgery may be needed to eliminate skin redundancy.
  3. Creating natural shadows and unveiling muscle highlights. The creation of these nuances is integral to creating dramatic yet natural results and requires employing ultrasound-assisted liposuction techniques with VASER. The introduction of energy to tissues allows HD lipo surgeons to remove fat both comprehensively and selectively thus providing the control required to create sculpture-like results.
  4. Staying true to gender-specific aesthetics. Staying true to gender-specific aesthetics is a unique attribute that you should look for when trying to find a HD lipo doctor. Gender-specific aesthetics describes differences in men's and women's contours that must be established. For men, this involves the creation of linear or straight lines with tight junctions between body parts; for women, this involves the creation of exaggerated curves and smooth junctions.

If you are determined to find a HD lipo doctor, we encourage you to consider one of our expert body contouring physicians located close to your home. Once you have contacted our center, we will be able to guide you to a qualified surgeon who can provide you with the body contouring services you desire. Please provide us the opportunity to find a HD lipo doctor near you.