High Definition Liposuction Arms

Introduction: High Definition Liposuction Arms

High definition liposuction arms extends beyond conventional arm liposuction which is limited to the undersurface of the arm. Instead, high definition liposuction of arms expands the sculpting goals of the arms to focus on creating muscle highlights. The goals of arm sculpting vary between men and women but both provide a balanced, natural look to complement other sculpted areas while staying true to gender specifics. In men, the emphasis is on creating bulky muscle mass whereas in women a sleek with faint muscle definition is preferred. To appreciate the details of high definition liposuction of the arms we must first review the anatomy of muscles in the arm.

A male bodybuilder posing his high def arms
A male bodybuilder posing his high definition liposuction arms

Upper Arm Muscle Anatomy

High definition liposuction arms contouring requires emphasizing masculinity for men, as defined by strong biceps, prominent deltoids, and bulky triceps on the back side of the arm.

1.    Deltoids – function to pull up and extend(abduct) the shoulder
–    three muscle bellies identified as anterior, middle, and posterior leaves
–    Middle leave is the largest and most powerful muscle belly
–    Insertion and origin create soft tissue grooves that measure 2cm in length

–    Origin

  • Anterior – off of clavicle
  • Posterior – spine of scapula
  • Middle – acromion

–    Insertion

  • Deltoid tuberosity of humerus

2.    Biceps – function to pull up and rotate the forearm outward; it also flexes the elbow

–    Origin (proximal tendon attaches to the shoulder joint)

  • Long head – Coracoid process of scapula
  • Short head – supraglenoid tubercle

–    Insertion (distal tendon attaches to the radius and ulna)

  • Radial tuberosity and bicep aponeurosis (single head)

3.    Triceps – function to extend the elbow joint; there are three head or muscle bellies

–    Origin

  • The long head  originates at the scapula
  • Lateral and medial heads originate on the humerus

–    Insertion

  • All 3 attach to the olecranon process of ulna

The Goals of High Definition Liposuction Arms is focused on providing selective contour highlights as discussed below:

Deltoid Highlights

–    Middle belly – is the most prominent muscle belly and intramuscular fat grafting can be used to increase muscle girth and improve appearance.

  • Contour 2 gullies at the origin and insertion of this muscle will provide improved deltoid highlights
  • The anterior groove can be defined in both males and females and creates a boundary between the medial belly and the biceps; this groove should appear as a soft gulley and not a sharp ravine.
  • The posterior groove can be defined in males only and creates a boundary between the lateral belly and the triceps;

Bicep Highlights

–    Best defined by contouring the anterior deltoid groove
–    Intramuscular fat grafting of the intramuscular belly can improve muscle girth.

Tricep Highlights

–    Best defined by contouring the posterior deltoid groove
–    Nike sign separates the medial and lateral heads of the triceps

High Definition Liposuction of the Arms

A 44-year-old male before (left) and after (right) HD Vaser Liposuction of the arms to contour the anterior and posterior deltoid grooves.HD Lipo Article

Conclusion: High Definition Liposuction Arms

In summary, high definition liposuction arms is focused on unveiling the muscle highlights of the upper arm which include the deltoids, biceps, and triceps. This is achieved by highlighting the natural grooves that exist between the muscle groups in both men and women. In women, these gulleys are faintly etched, whereas in men they are aggressively gutted. In some men, it may be recommended to additionally transfer fat into the muscle bellies to bulk up the muscle belly!

Typical fat volume transfers include the grafting of approximately 20 to 40 ml of fat into the biceps muscle, 10 to 30 ml of fat into the triceps muscle, and 20 to 30 ml of fat into the deltoids. It is important to inject the fat graft into the muscle mass so that the resulting contour feels firm rather than fatty and soft. Please contact one of our providers to receive a complimentary consultation to determine your surgical plan.


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