VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning

Introduction: VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning

VASER liposuction remains the gold standard in liposuction tools. This is because it maintains the capacity to remove fat more comprehensively than any other liposuction technique. As such, it is critical that you optimize your health and nutrition prior to your surgical procedure especially if you are considering a 360 high-definition liposuction procedure. The 360 liposuction procedure provides the opportunity to remove all of the fat from your concern areas in a single session. By virtue of contouring you in a circumferential manner, it will take a toll on your system. As a result, it is imperative that you follow preoperative planning with the utmost attention.

VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning: Four Weeks prior to Surgery

Complete your pre-operative clearance and tests

Schedule your pre-operative clearance appointment with your primary care physician who will perform a full history and physical. They will require simple laboratory tests that

will check your blood count, rule out any possible infection, and check your clotting ability. Your physician may also perform an EKG test to confirm a healthy heart and ensure a safe anesthesia experience.

A table with a variety of foods on it for VASER liposuction Preoperative Planning.
A table with a variety of foods on it for VASER liposuction Preoperative Planning.

Assure good nutrition

You must eat well prior to surgery. Maintaining high protein levels will help promote healing. A healthy, balanced diet is essential! Please review your medication/supplement sheet to verify daily protein intake recommendations to ensure appropriate healing.

Planning your recovery

You should inform your employer of time off for your recovery period. You have to ensure that a spouse (reliable adult) can make arrangements to be available to drop you off, pick you up, and spend at least the first 24 hours following surgery with you. You will have to also arrange for childcare, shopping for food, and daily needs for the first 3 to 5 days depending on the surgery you are undergoing.

A no smoking sign on a white background with VASER liposuction Preoperative Planning.
A no smoking sign on a white background with VASER liposuction Preoperative Planning.

Stop smoking

Nicotine clamps down on the vessels that bring nutrients and oxygen to the skin tissues. If this occurs following surgery, it can lead to the dying of skin and subsequent separation of your surgical incision lines and develop wounds. Please note that if you are a smoker, we expect you to quit smoking at least six weeks prior to surgery and two weeks following so that your body is free of any nicotine. Avoiding nicotine products includes e-cigs, nicotine patches, and nicotine gum.

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

We encourage you to maintain good hygiene and avoid any friends or family members who may be sick. If you should develop a cold, flu symptoms, or infection, we will have to reschedule your surgery.

Talk to a Patient Liaison

We encourage you to talk to one of our patient liaisons regarding your surgery. Patient liaisons are prior patients of our doctors who have undergone the procedure of your choice and who have volunteered their time to alleviate all of your concerns. If you would like to speak with a patient liaison, please contact your patient coordinator to arrange this meeting, which is informal and can be done by phone or in person.

VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning: Two Weeks Prior to Surgery

Filling Your Prescriptions

You should make sure that your prescriptions are filled. Please refer to the medication and supplement worksheet to determine your personalized regimen. Please contact your patient coordinator should you have any questions.

Medications to Avoid

Please refer to the medications/supplements/herbs/diet restriction sheet. It is critical that you do not consume any of the listed items on that sheet. Please contact your patient coordinator should you have any questions.

Pre-Operative Clearance

Please confirm with your primary care office or our office that all of your pre-operative clearance items including your doctor’s note, laboratory tests, and EKG (if required) results have been received.

Instill Good Nutrition

This is the time to make sure that your diet is appropriate for surgery. You should try to take in 120 to 150 grams of protein in order to ensure that your cells are optimized to produce collagen, which is required for mending your incision lines following surgery.


It is critical that you avoid smoking during this time. The nicotine found in cigarettes is so detrimental to your healing that we advise avoiding ALL second-hand smoke as well. This means avoiding any indoor facilities such as homes, bars, and clubs where smoking is allowed.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Practicing good hygiene is extremely important during this time period. You should be vigilant with washing your hands, avoiding large crowds, and avoiding individuals who are sick. You should also not risk catching a cold with intimate behavior such as kissing, sharing drinks, and even sexual intercourse!

A bottle of arnica next to a pineapple.
A bottle of arnica next to a pineapple.

Reduce Bruising & Swelling

If you have been advised to take Arnica-Bromelain Complex: • For Face: Start 2 weeks prior to surgery; continue for 2 weeks following surgery

VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning: One Week Prior to Surgery

Confirm Your Plans for the Day of Surgery

You must confirm your arrangement for transportation to and from surgery – please confirm that your spouse, significant other, or friend is available for your transportation needs and is available for 24 hours after your surgery. You may confirm your reservation with your patient coordinator and/or recovery nurse should you need special accommodations.

Review Your Prescriptions and Instructions

Please make sure that you have all of the necessary prescriptions required. Make sure that you start washing with Hibiclens 4 days prior to surgery if required. Make sure that you start taking your antibiotics 2 days prior to surgery.

Continue a Healthy Lifestyle

Continue with good hygiene and avoid undue physical activities. Avoid partying, any smokers, and drinking excessive alcohol. It is highly recommended to prepare meals in advance to minimize excess activity during your recovery period. Remember to make high-protein meals that will promote your healing and ensure early removal of drains (if indicated).

Waxing or Shaving

It is recommended to shave or wax 2 days prior to surgery. This will allow the skin to heal from any razor abrasions prior to surgery.

Reduce Bruising & Swelling

If you have been advised to take Arnica-Bromelain Complex: • For Body: Start 1 week prior to surgery; continue 3 weeks following surgery • For Breast: Start 1 week prior to surgery; continue 2 weeks following surgery

VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning: Day Before Surgery

Confirm Your Location, Arrival Time, and Transportation Arrangements

It is recommended that you review your route to the surgery center with your driver and to remind them that you are expected to arrive at the surgical center typically one hour prior to surgery.

Follow Pre-Operative Directions

Please note that you are expected to shower and wash with Hibiclens the morning before surgery. You should already be taking your antibiotics and please remember to not eat after 9:00 PM the night before surgery.


Although you may feel anxious regarding surgery, you should try to remain calm and relaxed. You should reassure yourself that our surgeons perform thousands of surgeries a year and will meet your expectations.

VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning: Day of Surgery

Nothing by Mouth

Remember not to eat or drink anything the morning of your surgery as it is very important to have an empty stomach when having general anesthesia. Small exceptions are made for patients who are on high blood pressure medications and who are asked to take their high blood pressure medication with only a sip of water.

Dress Appropriately

Remember to wear comfortable clothes (pajamas are preferred) and slippers or sandals. You should remove all jewelry of any kind, body piercings, contact lenses, rings, etc. as these will interfere with the cautery tool used to maintain hemostasis (control of bleeding) during your operation.

Arrival Time

The typical time of arrival to the surgical center is approximately one hour prior to your surgery time. Please note that there is a team of operating room personnel, your anesthesiologist, and your surgeon so that you are not delayed.

Conclusion: VASER Liposuction Preoperative Planning

In summary, VASER liposuction preoperative planning provides the opportunity to achieve high-definition outcomes especially when performed circumferentially. However, this surgery is quite a commitment and requires meticulous preoperative planning. We hope that you find our VASER liposuction preoperative planning helpful. 


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