Liposuction Machine

Introduction: Liposuction Machine

Liposuction describes the act of removing undesirable fat from your body. Currently, there are five popular liposuction machines for fat removal and these include the traditional tumescent machine, laser liposuction machine, water jet liposuction machine, power-assisted liposuction machine, and ultrasound-assisted liposuction machine.

Liposuction relies on specialized equipment to safely and effectively remove unwanted fat deposits from the body. Different liposuction machine technologies offer advantages depending on the needs of the patient and the techniques used by the surgeon.

How Does Liposuction Work?

In general, liposuction equipment consists of a cannula (small tube) attached to a vacuum device to suction out fat. The cannula is inserted through small incisions in the target areas. The surgeon then uses controlled back-and-forth motions to break up and extract excess fat cells.

However, the specifics of the suction equipment can vary. Here are some of the liposuction machine options:

Traditional tumescent liposuction machine

The tumescent liposuction machine is the oldest of the liposuction machines and uses a tumescent solution that is injected to constrict the microvessels in the soft tissues and provide pain control. The fat is then suctioned out with hollow bore cannulas by literally piercing them out in their semisolid state.

The liposuction machine utilizes a negative pressure ranging from 26 mm Hg negative pressure down to 15mm Hg negative pressure. Higher suction pressures help quicken the time of fat removal. The lower negative pressure of 15 mm Hg pressure is used when fat harvesting is being performed for fat transfer. The lower pressure is felt to protect the fat from being injured from the sheer pressure differential induced on them. Traditional tumescent liposuction has proved to be an effective technique for bulk fat removal.

Laser liposuction machine

The laser liposuction is used to more efficiently remove fat when compared to traditional liposuction. The fat is planned to be removed and is first infiltrated with a tumescent solution and then treated with a laser beam. The laser beam literally drills the fat cells thereby melting them. The process of melting them in essence allows for more uniform and comprehensive fat removal. The disadvantage of laser liposuction is that the fat is non-viable and cannot be used for fat transfer to areas such as the buttock, i.e. Brazilian Buttock Lift.

Water Jet liposuction machine

The water jet liposuction is used to more effectively remove fat when compared to traditional liposuction. The water jet liposuction uses the force of water jets to infiltrate the tumescent solution and thereby loosen fat cells for more efficient removal. Although it does provide fat cell viability, it is not as effective for fat removal as ultrasound-assisted liposuction.

Power-assisted liposuction machine

Power or Percussion assisted liposuction actually describes a modified hollow bore cannula used regardless of liposuction technique. The percussion-assisted liposuction describes a modified cannula that oscillates at high frequencies and allows for ease of fat cell extraction regardless of the liposuction technique preferred. The advantage is that fat cells are harvested with greater ease almost like a power tool. The disadvantage is that it does not provide more refinement in control that can be achieved by conventional methods.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction machine

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction utilizes ultrasound energy to literally tickle fat cells from each other thereby creating single-cell liquid cells out of semi-solid fat clusters. By creating a liquid fat cell media, the fat cells can be more gently collected for fat transfer. Moreover, creating a liquid state allows for not only more controlled but more comprehensive fat removal thereby allowing surgeons to remove fat like a sculptor. Removal of fat at a higher level of proficiency has allowed for superior contouring outcomes, coined high-definition liposuction. This makes ultrasound-assisted liposuction machines the Gold Standard, in liposuction techniques.

Finding the Right Liposuction Technology

The best liposuction equipment for you depends on considerations like:

  • Treatment areas and extent of correction needed
  • Your skin elasticity and amount of fat deposits
  • Your surgeon’s expertise in different technologies

During your consultation, ask your doctor to explain which liposuction machine they recommend for optimal results.

Conclusion: New Technologies Enhance Options

There are more liposuction equipment choices available today than ever before. Advanced devices like ultrasound, laser, and power-assisted systems allow for targeted fat removal with minimal side effects. Work with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine which technology is right for your body goals. Choose amongst any of our liposuction locations to get your procedure performed.


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